30 May, 2007


Here's something I wrote last fall for a creative writing class I waitlisted but didn't make:

Benjamin Drake

The fires have burnt all day long. The heat from our fire radiates through the particles of air, causing them to dance with excitement in strange prelude to the events about to take place. We have all been here, crouched, poised since morning, waiting for the signal. The light of the flame reaches out to caress the painted faces around the circle, dedicated men and women. The air feels electric with anticipation of the ceremony. The time must nearly be upon us.

People in some parts will have been dancing around their fires already for several hours, but it feels like ours is the only dance that matters. Tonight we are ringing in a new era, and fires like ours are alight all around the world. Loyal followers, great leaders, and curious onlookers have gathered around their fires, ready to celebrate the new world, or curious to watch the strange ritual. But I know better. I know that tonight, when the fires and dance reach the eyes and ears of the heavens that the prophesy will come true.

Tonight, we welcome the sky god back to her nest; back here to reunite humanity forever under her wing.

A drop of sweat glides down my forehead, around my brow, and into my eye. The stinging sensation distracts me from my entrancing gaze into the fire. I tilt my head and blink several times. The sky has long-since darkened, and everyone can see the energy described in the prophecy. It’s already been a week since the stars began to swim in the heavens. Scientists say that it is not the stars actually moving, but rather solar flares reaching out so far as to affect the earth, and make distortions in the atmosphere. New stars seem to be born and die every moment. Somehow the moon stays where she’s laid in rest since the beginning of time, since the gods first thought to create our home.

It is almost time. It is almost our turn – my turn – to join the celebration ceremony; to commit my sweat and tears to the earth in welcoming our prophesied savior.


The drums begin to beat. First the one closest to the Gazer’s tower, then one closer, and closer. The beating grows louder until it reaches our circle.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

The fire crackles loudly as we stand up, as though it knows what is about to begin.


We step into the ring once.


Everyone crouches down. There is silence for a brief eternity. I can smell the excitement in the air. Hairs on my arm stand erect as we remain crouched awaiting the final cadence to begin.

Boom! Ba-boom! Boom! Ka-ka-ka!

I erupt from my place, the heat of the fire only a moment ago is now but a distant memory. That was before this dance. Jump, step, turn, clap, fall, stand, jump, jump… It is the dance that we practiced every week since we were young. This dance is now the only thing that exists in the world. For thousands of people in every time zone, this dance is the only thing that exists. Right now. This is our reality.

So there you have it. It's more normal, for any who were afraid after my first post! ^_^

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